Other Quick Facts:
Enrollment in high school Agricultural Education programs has increased
by nearly 7000 students since 1990.
72% of the College of Agriculture students, at Iowa State University, were FFA members
in high school.
Much of the increase in enrollment can be attributed to increased participation by female
students. (M. Retallick, 2002)
Return On Investment: In 2001, based on an hourly average, students earned over
$18 million through their SAE programs. During that same time period school districts claimed program expenses of $9.5
million. (Retallick, M. (2002) The Determinants of Supervised Agricultural Experience Program Participation Trends in Iowa,
Over a lifetime, the average high school graduate will earn $540,000 more than the
average high school dropout. (Veale, J.R. (2002) The Cost of Dropping Out of School: Iowa 2001.)
Employment trends indicate that 80% of jobs will require some level of postsecondary
In FY02 through FY06, Agricultural Education students that had SAE programs and
were FFA members outperformed non-members academically, and were more likely to pursue postsecondary
education. (Gruis, D.(2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006) The FFA Difference: Annual FFA Report Summary.)